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Swiss Chard Stem Gratin

From Athens Locally Grown

<p>Most green leafy vegetable stems are just as delicious as the leaves and can be included in any dish you are making. Depending on the recipe, you may have to give the stems a few minutes head start in boiling water. Or, you can just save them up for variations on this unusual recipe.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: From Recipes from America's Small Farms by Joanne Lamb Hayes and Lori Stein.
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: chard, shallot, garlic, cream, bread, cheese
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Swiss Chard Tuna Rolls

From Rose Creek Farms Coop

<p>I made this the other day for lunch and it was a hit!</p>
Source: Rose Creek Farms
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: chard, tuna, salad, green, celery
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Swiss Chard with Golden Raisins and Pine Nuts

From The Wednesday Market

<p>Swiss Chard cooks like spinach with the earthy flavor of beets.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Martha Stewart
Servings: serves 4
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swiss chard with parmesan cheese

From Shenandoah Valley Homegrown

<p>recipe found in</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: chard, butter, olive, garlic, onion,, wine,, lemon,, cheese,, salt
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Synergy Carrots

From Fresh Harvest, LLC

<p>From Tally and John: &#8220;All these ingredients make for an absolutely delicious roasted carrot dish!&#8221;</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Fresh Harvest
Servings: ?
Ingredient keywords: carrots, oil, walnuts, honey, salt, butter, rosemary
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Tabbouleh Salad (Cracked Wheat and Parsley Salad)

From Shoestring Acres

<p>One way to get family to eat greens and whole wheat&#8230;</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Joy of Cooking and Trail and Error (me)
Servings: 6 hungry people
Ingredient keywords: parsley
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Tacos de Quelites — Tacos of Garlicky Greens

From Athens Locally Grown

<p>There are lots of recipes out there for “authentic” Mexican spinach quesadillas and similar dishes out there. Few of them will tell you, however, that none of those dishes were traditionally made with spinach. It’s a cool weather crop that has trouble growing here in Georgia, much less in the more arid and hot climates further south. What does grow well, both here and there, is the even more nutritious Lamb’s Quarter, and this is what modern recipes replace with spinach.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Traditional
Servings: Makes 8 tacos
Ingredient keywords: lambsquarters, onion, garlic, cheese, salsa
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Tangy Cucumber Soup

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>Perfect for all the yummy cukes we are getting!</p> <p></p> Vegetarian!
Source: Kitchen Daily
Servings: 4
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Tangy Turkey Tostadas

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>This easy to prepare recipe is a tasty way to enjoy your veggies! This recipe can also be frozen and enjoyed later. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Source: (modified slightly)
Servings: 8
Ingredient keywords: turkey, mushroom, pepper, onion, garlic, salsa, chilies, sauce, corn, lettuce, tomato, cilantro
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Tarka Dal

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>Dal is the <span class="caps">BEST</span>, simply the best. This recipe is pretty simple. Make extra, it is great for lunch boxes.</p>
Source: From:
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: onion, garlic, tomato
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