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Crushed Heirloom Potatoes

From Superior Seasons

<p>Creamy, cheesy, potatoey goodness&#8230;</p>
Source: adapted from Epicurious
Servings: 6-8
Ingredient keywords: potatoes, arugula
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Crustless Quiche

From Joyful Noise Acres Farm

<p>So easy and versatile. This recipe is easy to double to make one now and freeze one for later</p>
Source: Joyful Noise Acres Farm
Servings: 4-8
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Crustless Quiche

From Porterdale, GA

<p>Quiche is such a great way to enjoy eggs while using up bits of cheeses and veggies from the fridge &#8211; and leftover quiche makes a great packable lunch for tomorrow.</p>
Source: Williams Family Farm Quiche
Servings: 6
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Cuban Oregano Bhajis

From McMinnville Locally Grown

<p>Deep fried cuban oregano.</p>
Source: surfing the web (sorry, forgot to get the location)
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: oregano
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Cube Steaks with Mushroom Gravy

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A rich homemade mushroom gravy adds extra flavor to a delightful steak dinner! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: flour, seasoning, seasoning, seasoning, seasoning, oil, steak, oil, onion, mushroom, broth
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Cucumber Agua Fresca

From Athens Locally Grown

<p>Agua fresca, which is Spanish for &#8220;fresh water,&#8221; is made from a base of sweetened water with various flavorful additions. This version, with cucumber, basil, and fresh mint, is both refreshing and restorative on a hot day. Try experimenting &#8212; For variations on this version, you can use various melons, berries, or herbs that you may have on hand; just throw them all in the blender. A splash of rum or vodka makes this a great before-dinner drink.</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Better Homes and Gardens magazine, p. 200, September 2010
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: cucumber, mint, basil, lime
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Cucumber and Tomato Salad

From Conway Regional Farmers Market

<p>Try this yummy salad recipe on its own or with your favorite dish. This can be made with fresh veggies from your Farmers Market Veggie Box. Enjoy!<br /> Prep Time: 15 minutes</p>
Source: Conway Regional Health System Culinary Wellness Team
Servings: 4-6
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Cucumber Bites

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>These customizable little snacks are great for parties! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 24
Ingredient keywords: cucumber, tomato, dill, pepper, pepper, jalapeno, carrot, herb, onion
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Cucumber Coleslaw

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>This colorful coleslaw is made with fantastic farm fresh vegetables! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 8
Ingredient keywords: vinegar, seed, cabbage, cabbage, carrot, cucumber
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Cucumber Lime Granita

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>We haven&#8217;t tried this one yet, but getting up the nerve. (You&#8217;ll need a good movie in the <span class="caps">DVD</span> player to keep you company while you scrape.) Probably will substitute maple syrup for the sugar. Yep, I think it is worth it.</p>
Servings: Depends on how hot it is outside!
Ingredient keywords: cucumber
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