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Italian Meatballs

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>Who doesn&#8217;t love meatballs? Especially with our delicious local beef. They are so versatile. Serve them as an appetizer or with pasta as a main course.. I recommend a hearty, thick spaghetti like Buccanti #6. It is a hollow spaghetti noodle, which allows the juices in the sauce to be held tightly in the thin hollow tube. Really worth it. But don&#8217;t forget to make my Extra Veggie Marinara recipe to go along with these delicious round delights. Make extra because you know you love a good oven toasted meatball sub for a quick leftover lunch or diner.</p>
Source: My taste buds decided to create this one...
Servings: about (35) 1" meatballs
Ingredient keywords: beef, garlic, onion, oregano, thyme, bread, egg, basil, rosemary
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Italian Roast

From Tullahoma Locally Grown

<p>Ingredients</p> <p>1 roast &#8211; Grass Fed Beef- any kind of roast<br /> ½ package Good Seasons Zesty Italian dressing mix<br /> 1 envelope Lipton onion mushroom soup mix<br /> 1 can cream of mushroom soup<br /> ½ jar pepperoncini peppers (with ½ of the liquid)<br /> Instructions</p> <p>Place roast in crock pot. Add all ingredients and cook on low all day.</p>
Source: from
Servings: serves 4-8 depending on size of roast
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Italian Sausage Rigatoni

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A wonderful pasta dish that&#8217;s easy to make! Filled with sausage, rigatoni, red peppers, parsley and more! It will definitely make your mouth water!</p>
Source: Johnsonville kitchen
Servings: A perfect family meal
Ingredient keywords: sausage, pasta, olive, garlic, pepper, sauce, parsley
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Italian Squash Medley

From Stones River Market

<p>This recipe was sent to Flying S Farms <span class="caps">CSA</span> customers.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Catherine Simmons from Flying S Farms
Servings: Serves 2-4
Ingredient keywords: squash, zucchini, tomato, onion, mushroom
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Italian String Beans and Potatoes

From Citrus County Locally Grown

<p>My grandmother&#8217;s way of preparing string beans. I know a lot of people like them crisp and crunchy, but for me this is the only way they taste good. They take a little longer, but so worth it.</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Grandma Carlo!!!!!!!
Servings: 6 as a side dish
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Italian Zucchini

From Athens Locally Grown

<p>This recipe is almost impossibly easy and quick, but really deicious! Try it with any of the many good varieties of summer squash, too.</p> Vegan!
Source: An easy family recipe
Servings: 4-5
Ingredient keywords: zucchini, garlic, green, olive, basil, tomato
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Italian “Drunken” Noodles

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>This is just an excuse to eat lots of noodles, tomatoes and peppers. Love it!</p>
Source: Lost in time and space?
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: onion, pepper, garlic, tomato, parsley
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Jacqueline's Cabbage With Juniper Berries

From Northeast Georgia Locally Grown

I buy Juniper berries online, but this year I&#8217;ll try some I know to be growing on a tree in Clarkesville. When ripe, they are dark purple and about the size of small pearls.I think it&#8217;s best to pick them after the first frost.You can dry them and keep them in a glass jar. They last quite a while. Vegetarian!
Source: I learned it from my neighbor in Scotland.
Servings: About 6-8 servings.
Ingredient keywords: butter, onion, garlic, Juniper, water, Cabbage, salt
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Jalapeno-Lime Honey Glazed Carrots

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A spicy &amp; zesty vegetarian side dish that uses several locally grown vegetables. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: carrot, oil, honey, jalapeno, lime, lime, cilantro
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Jalapeno-Pear Chutney

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>This unique sweet and spicy chutney can be enjoyed as a side, with chips as a dip, or as a sandwich spread. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Servings: 5 half pints
Ingredient keywords: pear, tomato, onion, jalapeno
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Jalapeno-Pecan Cheese Spread

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A spicy dip made with locally grown pecans &amp; green onions! Try adding diced fresh peppers for a bit of extra spice! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Source: (modified slightly)
Servings: 2 cups
Ingredient keywords: cheddar, pecan, onion, jelly, pepper, bread
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Jam Glazed Chicken

From CLG

<p>Crispy chicken that is savory and sweet!!!</p>
Source: n/a
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: chicken, jam, beaverfork
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Jamaican Jerk Chicken with Cauliflower and Asparagus

From Russellville Community Market

<p>This oh-so-good (and healthy) dish is one that we make here at home quite often. It has a great flavor and is really easy to make at home.</p> <p>Calories (per serving): 205<br /> Protein: 29g<br /> Carbs: 16g<br /> Cholesterol: 66mg<br /> Fiber: 3g<br /> Sodium: 1,444 mg</p>
Source: Now Eat This! by Rocco DiSpirito
Servings: 4
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Jan's Zucchini Bread

From Athens Locally Grown

<p>A nice way to use zucchini squash that have grown a bit too large&#8230; the 4 cups of grated veggie in this recipe translates into just about a pound and a half of zucchini, but it makes two pretty loaves without any more work than making one. The loaves freeze beautifully, so eat one now and put the other away for later!</p> <p>There are a lot of recipes for zucchini bread &#8220;out there&#8221;, but they generally are so full of white flour, white sugar, and oil that this probably offsets any health benefit provided by the zucchini that&#8217;s stuck in there. Over the years, I&#8217;ve been working at gradually making the basic recipe healthier, and this is what I&#8217;ve come up with. It&#8217;s tasty and relatively good for you the way it is now, but if you find you can improve it further, please share your variation with the rest of us! Just post it in the Comments section. (That&#8217;s the kind of thing it&#8217;s there for!)</p> Vegetarian!
Source: My version, adapted from many different recipes
Servings: 2 generous loaves (9x5 pans)
Ingredient keywords: egg, honey, zucchini, nuts
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Java Chip Caffeinated Smoothie

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A delicious wake-up smoothie! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: coffee, half, coffee, cream, banana
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Java Roast Beef

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>This roast is flavored by coffee-enriched gravy! Serve the roast with a side of bread, potatoes, or veggies like asparagus, Brussels sprouts, or broccoli. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 12
Ingredient keywords: garlic, seasoning, seasoning, beef, coffee, bread, potato, asparagus, broccoli, brussels
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Jerk Salmon

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A gorgeous spicy recipe that uses the wild-caught salmon available on Market2Go! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Source: (modified slightly)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: pepper, onion, garlic, scallion, oil, orange, lime, ginger, thyme, salmon, oil, tomato, pepper, habanero, herb
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Jerusalem Artichoke Hummus

From Northeast Georgia Locally Grown

<p>This is a riff on traditional Middle Eastern hummus (usually made with garbanzo beans) that my friend Rianne and I came up with during a Thanksgiving cooking frenzy using Mill Gap Farm Jerusalem Artichokes.</p> <p>Use at least 3 cloves of garlic unless you love garlic, then add 6 cloves.</p> <p>This is a nice appetizer served with corn chips or pita bread and wine, or you can use it on sandwiches. Slather the hummus on bread with a slice or two of provolone cheese, roasted red peppers, red onions and lettuce.</p> <p>Enjoy!</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Patricia Kyritsi Howell, Blacks Creek, Rabun County
Servings: Appetizer for 6. Decadent splurge for 2.
Ingredient keywords: Jerusalem, tahini, water, cumin, garlic, sea, lemon, olive
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Jerusalem artichoke hummus.

From Athens Locally Grown

<p>Quick and easy to make, this is a great version of hummus that is easily adjusted to your taste. The fresh sunchokes blend to a creamy texture and harmony with the other ingredients.</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Adapted from a recipe by Patricia Kyritsi Howell
Servings: Serves 2-4
Ingredient keywords: sunchokes, tahini, oil
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Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

From Stones River Market

<p>Jerusalem artichokes are new to the Market so I had to find a recipe for them. Depending on the stock, this recipe can be vegetarian or gluten free.</p>
Source: Simply Recipes (
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: onion, celery, garlic, jerusalem
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Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

From Athens Locally Grown

<p>Simple and tasty &#8212; If you want to sound fancier, call it &#8220;Sunchoke Soup.&#8221; &#8220;Sunchoke&#8221; is the marketing name for these root vegetables, which come from a sunflower-like plant that is native to eastern North America. Despite its name, the Jerusalem artichoke has no relation to Jerusalem, and it is not a type of artichoke, though when it is cooked like this, the taste is similar. (Note: Although the original recipe calls for peeling sunchokes, this can be tedious and I suspect peeling loses nutrients. I just scrub them thoroughly and cut them into equal-sized pieces so they will cook evenly.)</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Adapted from
Servings: Serves 4.
Ingredient keywords: butter,, onion, artichoke, garlic
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From Monroe Farm Market

<p>Confession of a Food Network junky&#8230;.I was watching Chuck&#8217;s Day Off (Chef Chuck Hughes) when I heard next up jerusalem artichokes&#8230;.<span class="caps">HOOKED</span>.</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Chuck's Day Off....Food Network
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: Sunchokes
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John’s Sweet Potato Fries

From Fresh Harvest, LLC

<p>&#8230;</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: John
Servings: 2 panfuls
Ingredient keywords: oil, sweet-potatoes, oil, salt, pepper
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Juicy Lamb Burgers

From Monroe Farm Market

<p>Full of flavor and juice!</p>
Servings: 8 burgers
Ingredient keywords: ground
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Jujube Ginger Tea

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>Jujube are rich in vitamin C and can have many health benefits. This tea can be enjoyed warm or iced. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Servings: One large pot
Ingredient keywords: jujube
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